Hi, I’m Christi…

I’m a redemption chaser, peace baker, and female sexual struggle counselor in Texas, where I live with my husband & two babes. I’m putting the ‘she’ back into shepherd as I gently lead and guide within the Church as a female, with compassion and empathy. Our family is at home at Restore.

On my days off you can find me sleeping late, asking my husband to make us a Chemex, enjoying my kids, grabbing my favorite latte (but let’s be honest, that’s happens on my ‘on’ days, too), vintage clothes shopping, caring for my cacti, and eating Mexican food.

Counselor, Pastor, Shepherd

I believe connection is the antidote to addiction, and that freedom isn’t earned, but unconditional and secure through Jesus. My desire is that you would experience and enjoy the freedom Jesus has granted us as His kids — that you would approach your reality and life circumstances with both the knowledge of truth, and felt, experiential beliefs that you are whole, holy, and never alone (Ephesians 1, Colossians 1).

I am the Accessibility & Belonging Pastor at Restore, meaning I help create accommodations for children and adults who are neurodivergent or who have disabilities, so that they experience felt safety and belonging in a church environment.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree from Baylor University, and a Master of Arts degree with a focus in Biblical counseling from Redeemer Seminary. I currently counsel through Operation 220 Ministries.

My approach is Spirit-led (trusting the Helper to help, guide, and provide healing as you process), and trauma informed, with emotionally focused therapy techniques.


These are my writings about what God has done and what the Trinity continues to do- redemption, restoration, and learning to live with reckless abandon and arms open.

I hope this bit of the internet buds into a safe space for raw honesty — for shame to blossom into freedom.
Thanks for joining me in this journey. I’d give you a hug and a chocolate chip cookie if I could, but instead I’ll just tell you that God’s wild about you. And I’m really glad you’re here.

Grace, peace, and radical love,


All photos by
Kaylynn Krieg Photography